Rádiós interjú Juhász Sándor Péterrel, az iKont ügyvezetőjével és társalapítójával

Radio interview with Péter Sándor Juhász, CEO and co-founder of iKont

Without aiming at completeness, Péter Sándor Juhász answered the following questions during the interview:

In addition to his own personal experience, Sándor Péter Juhász also presented the results of the in-depth industry interview research conducted earlier.

You can listen to the full interview by clicking on the link below:

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We presented on digitalisation in the construction industry at the HRPWR conference


We participated as a speaker at the Blue Collar HR Challenges and Solutions 6.0 conference organised by HRPOWER. Among many exciting topics, the digitalisation of the construction industry was also discussed. Thank you again for being honoured with this invitation!

Video interview with blue-collar workers in the construction industry


By the software and hardware development of iKont (e.g. smart container), we contribute to the digitalisation of the construction industry. To get a full picture of the situation of the construction industry, we interviewed some blue-collar workers.